Data Epics takes a radically different approach to presenting home data: by turning data into short fiction stories created by fiction writers. It is the start of a journey into more nuanced, messy, lively and situated ways of seeing data.

This project is a part of a research study at
Studio Tilt.
Design Research
Visual Design
Publication Design
Dr. Audrey DesjardinsGabrielle Benabdallah
In the Data Epics, fiction writers use data from home IoT devices to create short stories for their home dwellers to read. The project investigates how people might encounter and make sense of their home IoT data and these short stories capitalize on the ways people understand complex situations and concepts through narrative structures.

We argue that for the IoT to actualize its promise of moving dwellings closer to a ‘smart home’, it is imperative that home dwellers become empowered to understand what data is collected as part of IoT services, what assumptions can be inferred from the data and the implications of these assumptions.

More about the project + design process can be found here.